It's Markel's first season dancing with Ballet Embody. Continue reading to learn more about him!
Astrological Sign
Favorite Food
Favorite Color
Electric Orange
Favorite Movie
Star Wars
Inspirational Quote
Let your obstacles today shape you into a stronger person tomorrow.
Favorite Music/Artist/Band/Musical Genre
Mac Miller/Ariana Grande
Favorite Place to Be
On the stage!
If you were a dinosaur, which dinosaur would you be?
Do you have any pets? If so, tell us about it/them!
A gray cat named Stormee.
What genre of dance is your favorite? Why?
Musical Theatre. Musicals are where I began my journey into performing and I have such a deep connection and love for it. It is what makes me happiest!
What is your favorite full length ballet/variation/performance? Why?
Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland is my favorite ballet because I enjoy watching all of the intricate characters, costumes and personalities.
Why do you dance?
I don’t talk much about myself to other people, but getting on stage and dancing is me showing everyone who exactly I am and what I live for.
If you wear pointe shoes, what kind do you wear? If not pointe shoes, what kind of flat shoes do you prefer?
I do a bit of pointe work and I wear Bloch “Hannah” shoes. I wear Angelo Luzio flats.
What other jobs/activities/talents/passions do you pursue?
My biggest passion in life is to one day perform in NYC. I also enjoy singing, acting and playing musical instruments.
From our followers: Do you have another job(s)? If so, what do you do?
I am currently in school, but once a week I also work in ToGo at Chili’s.
What are you looking forward to this season with Ballet Embody?